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Help us celebrate lemurs and spread the word about their conservation on World Lemur Day and during the World Lemur Festival! The World Lemur Festival is celebrated around the world in the weeks surrounding World Lemur Day.

A staggering 98% of lemur species are threatened with extinction. And, 31% are categorized as Critically Endangered, the highest threat level. By working together, we can save lemurs from extinction

Leap for lemurs on World Lemur Day!
Learn, Share, and Act to Save Lemurs Together. 

Resources for Zoos, Conservation Organizations, and Individuals

Email us to have your event added to the World Lemur Festival event calendar, and send us any links and graphics we can use to promote your event on social media.

C’est très compliqué de faire des prévisions. Mais plus nous avançons, plus le brouillard est lisible

The first World Lemur Festival was celebrated in 2014, thanks to Jonah Ratsimbazafy of GERP Madagascar, one of Madagascar’s leading primatologists. It has been held every year since.

The festival raises awareness about the value of lemurs as Madagascar’s unique natural heritage among scientists and the general public. It aims to awaken pride for lemurs in Malagasy people, improve the economy through tourism, and promote lemur conservation and education worldwide.